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This is my wishlist for the next Zelda games.

I know that there is literally no knowledge of other Zelda games, it has been confirmed however that there will be other Zelda games.

Console Game


Because Skyward Sword has been confirmed to be the last First Party game for the Wii, we know that the major installment in the series will be on the Wii U. Because of the fact that the Wii U, has a touch screen and it's capable of 1080p resolutions, it's also TWO times more powerful than the PS3(I wish the Wii U would use Blu-Ray but whatever), this should make an utterly BEAUTIFUL Zelda game.

Why not make Hyrule the most beautiful ever? Why not make the most beautiful looking Zelda, why not make the most diabolical bosses, and villain for the game, Why not making the strongest looking Link? With these graphics, they could add really really nice textures. Hell if Epona's in the game, she could look as good or even better than the horses in Red Dead: Redemption. Don't get me wrong I don't want a game that looks ultra-realistic. If they can have Realistic models and textures but have it Cell-Shaded like SS I am all the way for it. Games that look TOO realistic don't age too well, let's compare Twilight Princess to Wind Waker, Wind Waker being the older game, shouldn't have aged that well hmm? Well guess what. Your wrong, I picked up Twilight Princess(I often High definition games by the way) and played it. It was fun but you can see that the graphics aren't aging that well in comparison to Wind Waker.


I really the Concept of the Overworld in Skyward Sword. But I am hoping the next game takes place in the Child's timeline, and thus have Hyrule already founded, I would like to see Epona more this time, don't make the Overworld cumbersome to traverse, and please no Warping, I actually dislike warping, just add different modes of transportation opposed to warping. Unless the map is too large for no warping I couldn't care less. Warping was fun in Twilight Princess but it made Epona kind of useless.

I would also like to see the Overworld populated with more people... I hate how there is no one in the overworld. People move. Perhaps have them not there at first but as you go through dungeons and resolve some monster issues the trails and roads get populated with travelers, I don't care about horses, but just have person sometimes, doing this could make a few sidequest possible too. Example: Broken Caravan, help by bringing parts, or bringing the person to an area.

Also don't make the Overworld too small, or too big. Have it so there is enough space between it, but so little that the fun per square kilometer(or mile) just isn't there. In other words leave space but not so much space that places where you can have fun are few and far between. So sort of like Twilight Princess(In terms of size) but have A) add more stuff to do or b) make it a bit smaller.


I don't want the game to be extremely realistic, have it pretty realistic but with a bit of realism so 60% Unrealistic - 40%Realistic or 80% Unrealistic- 20% Realistic.

Thus I want more than ONE city or settlement. So not Skyward Sword again in this department. Also more than Twilight Princess, if the map is going to be so huge. Don't have random NPCs like in Hyrule Castle Town. That was so, ... against what Zelda is. Of course there has always been several random NPCs with no name or story. But never so many. Have things to do in all towns, store et cetera. Basic Supplies should be in a store in every town. But rare supplies like some sort of armor(the example in this one is Magic Armor) should only be sold in certain towns.

Link's Home

It would be great if Link would have a home, with a bed to sleep in. Perhaps with the ability to store items in his home? Opposed to having an item check store. Not only that have more than one "home" perhaps are room an NPC gives to him to use as a thank you. I like this idea mainly because I hate the fact that you can't store your own items in your home it would also be nice for a place where you can check "stats", like I said earlier rest and whatnot. I don't want GTA. I just want to have that like other games but have as many(actually more) uses than Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. The extra homes isn't a must just a plea.


For this one I have to say that I liked the Upgrade feature in Skyward Sword, well I like the feature not the mechanics. Get treasure give it to Gondo then ta da you used a few hard earned(or easily earned) Treasure to make upgrades. I would rather if it were you get an item or help someone and they make adjustments that help with Link's Quest.

Buying Items or Potions

This one is really important. The one thing I absolutely hated about Skyward Sword, is the potion shop. Let me elaborate. You go and buy a potion, you need more than one, you go through the SAME explanation each time you buy the potion and wait through a 5-10 second animation of Link Scooping up the potion, the merchant tells you the same thing she tells everytime, than you're out of chat. You don't get an option to buy more than one. So you have to reenter chat go through the same explanation, animation and et cetera. Rinse and repeat.

It's annoying and extremely cumbersome. Sometimes I have to leave a dungeon to get some supplies, I don't want to take more time than I should be taking. It's so annoying that it actually made me the game a bit less. It's pretty terrible.

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