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The morph from lf9 to lftenjamin is a strange one indeed

[12:06] <luckz> explain your crazy-ass nick
[12:06] <lftenjamin> yeah esplain
[12:07] <luckz> no u
[12:07] <Pelagias>
[12:07] <luckz> Pelikhan!
[12:08] <lftenjamin> me?
[12:09] <luckz> ja
[12:09] <Pelagias> Lurckz !
[12:09] <Jason> ALSO
[12:09] <lftenjamin> uh well it is a long story filled with hate love and mystery
[12:09] <Jason> Wait.
[12:10] |<-- MothMan has left (Quit: Zelda Universe Chat)
[12:12] -->| ZU988 ( has joined #zelda
[12:13] |<-- ZU988 has left (Quit: Zelda Universe Chat)
[12:14] <luckz> we have time.
[12:14] <lftenjamin> uh well ok
[12:14] <lftenjamin> ...
[12:15] <lftenjamin> it started out back in the year 2004
[12:15] <lftenjamin> Young Matthew had stumbled across a zelda site
[12:15] <lftenjamin> a wonderful zelda site at that
[12:15] <lftenjamin> He then noticed the forums
[12:15] <lftenjamin> what wonderful forums
[12:15] <lftenjamin> he had tried joining forums before
[12:16] <lftenjamin> but because of problems with reistration, he had almost gave up hope
[12:16] <lftenjamin> He decided on one more try
[12:16] <lftenjamin> and OMG it worked
[12:16] <lftenjamin> he surfed ZU under the name of linkfreak9
[12:16] <lftenjamin> time went by
[12:16] <lftenjamin> the chat switched servers
[12:17] <lftenjamin> , and lil ol linkfreak decided to shorten his name, and make it less obvious that he had a zelda nickname
[12:17] <lftenjamin> so lf9 was born
[12:17] <lftenjamin> then there was this man byt the name of Brett
[12:17] <lftenjamin> by*
[12:17] <lftenjamin> whose name of the forums was Asci
[12:17] <lftenjamin> Asci was undersome assuption
[12:17] <lftenjamin> under some*
[12:18] <lftenjamin> assumption*
[12:18] <lftenjamin> that lf9's real life name was benjamin
[12:18] <lftenjamin> he then threw together
[12:18] <lftenjamin> lf (from lf9) and 10 (9 +1) and jamin (from benjamin)
[12:19] <lftenjamin> somewhere down the line
[12:19] <lftenjamin> people didn't want to type out lftenjamin which is understandable
[12:19] <lftenjamin> so people started calling him lefty
[12:19] <lftenjamin> and lft
[12:19] <lftenjamin> and some still call him lf9
[12:19] <lftenjamin> the end
[12:19] <lftenjamin> ok lil luckz time for bed
[12:19] * JemaK applauds

that pretty much sums me up.

Not very interesting I know.

If you feel like talking I can be reached at

  1. farore (bes channel evah)

and then the other major ones as well like #zelda #vgrc, etc, etc

there is also my aim and gmail and msn

 lftenjamin on aim, and my gmail is, msn is