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Ocarina of Time
Ocarina of Time

An ocarina (oh-kah-REE-nah) is a wind instrument, often made of clay or wood, played with a whistle mouthpiece. In the games Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Link's Awakening, Link uses his ocarina to accomplish many tasks by playing certain songs. A similar instrument is also found in A Link to the Past, but in this game it is known as the flute.

In Link's Awakening the ocarina is used to play the following songs once learned:

In Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask, the ocarina is assigned to a C button, and played with all four C's and the A button. In the GameCube re-releases, the X, Y and Z buttons (or-alternatively-the C stick) are used for the instrument. In all releases, the Z and R buttons (L & R on GC) lower and raise the pitch by a semitone; respectively, and the analogue stick acts as more or less a MIDI pitch bend. At least one full octave is covered, and it's possible to play a wide range of tunes with the right amount of practice. In Majora's Mask, the ocarina is replaced by alternatives when important character masks are used-Deku Link plays an odd brass-like instrument called Deku Pipes, Goron Link plays a drumkit and Zora Link plays a guitar. Regardless of the sound, all instruments play in the same way.

The notes used by the Ocarina are as followed: A Button = D, Right C = A, Left C = B, Down C = F, Up C = d

In BS The Legend of Zelda, an Ocarina is found in the third Dungeon, which can be used to warp to other dungeons. When the Ocarina is played on a pad near the eastern shore, the sixth dungeon will appear.

In The Minish Cap Link has a blue Ocarina called the Ocarina of Winds.

In Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, Tingle has a Bone Ocarina which can be used to call a pirate ship.

In Twilight Princess, pieces of Hawk Grass, the Horse Call and Wolf Link's howling serve as replacements for the ocarina.

In Tingle's Love Balloon Trip, a mysterious, hooded character plays an Ocarina to call his horse. The ocarina is similar in design to the Ocarina of Time.

See Also
