Glitches in Twilight Princess

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These are the glitches which are possible to perform in Twilight Princess. Please read the Glitch Disclaimer Notes before attempting any of the glitches on this page.

Magnetic Ceiling Glitch

  • Effect: Walk on magnetic ceiling without Iron Boots.
  • Prerequisites: Iron Boots, access to Goron Mines.
  • How To: Equip the Iron Boots but don’t put them on. Go under the magnetic field and equip the boots. In mid flight up to the ceiling press the button that leads to the item screen and put an item where the iron boots were. Make sure the Iron boots are not equipped anywhere on the screen. Unpause the game and finish flying onto the ceiling. You should be on the ceiling with the Iron boots off and Link will stay there and be able to walk faster.
  • Notes: To get down walk off the magnetic part of the ceiling or equip and unequip the Iron Boots.

Unlimited Bomb Glitch

  • Effect: Unlimited Bombs
  • Prerequisites: Hookshot, ability to turn into Wolf Link, access to Lake Hylia.
  • How To: Travel to Lake Hylia as a Wolf Link and play Plumm's mini game with the fruit and crash. Then, turn back into an Hyrulian and turn to the water behind Link. While swimming in it, equip the Hookshot, and while it is held out, strafe to the side and through the wall. If done correctly, Link will be swimming through the wall. Keep swimming until Link falls and dies. Now as Link wakes up, Plumm will come back and ask to to play again. Choose "yes", then crash at the beginning again. Link should wake back up in the beyond-the-wall area from before, but Link can stand. Turn into back into Wolf Link and jump into the waterfall. Afterwards, Link will wake up in front of Iza's assistant. Talk, choose "yes", and Link will go to her cabin. The boat will take off without Link, but still show the Bomb-arrow icon. Now hat the glitch has been executed, warp anywhere and Link will have infinite bombs.
  • Notes: This ends when you turn off the game.

Out of Bounds in the Arbiter's Grounds

  • Effect: Go out of bounds at Arbiter's Grounds.
  • Prerequisites: Access to Arbiter's Grounds.
  • How To: As seen in the video to the right, by following the procedures, Link will actually be able to climb up a small ledge on either sides the entrance to Arbiter's Grounds. As Link, walk up to either side of the entrance. Line Link up centered to the edge of the wall , then climb it. Once on the ledge, walk towards the entrance. Link will die and be warped back to the entrance.
  • Notes: What is likely happening is that the level's boundaries don't extend all the way out to where Link can walk, and thus the game thinks Link has fallen off the map and kills him to correct the problem, making this more of a creator's oversight than a glitch. This occurs in both the Wii and GameCube versions.

Cannon Room Glitch

  • Effect: Get trapped in the canon room.
  • Prerequisites: Dominion Rod, access to the cannon room in Kakariko Village.
  • How To: This glitch was addressed directly by Nintendo, and plagues many of the launch versions of Twilight Princess. While Link is in the Cannon room in Kakariko Village, save the game while inside, turn the game off, then turn it back on. Shad, who was previously in the room, will no longer appear there, however when the player attempts to warp the cannon, Midna will act as though a person is still in the room - however, Shad is nowhere in sight. When Link attempts to leave the room, Shad appears on a separate dialog screen, and asks Link where he is going. This makes it impossible for Link to leave the room by any means, as Midna won't allow him to warp and Shad will not allow him to leave the room.
  • Notes: Once the glitch was been performed, it is impossible to reverse the glitch unless the file in which the glitch was performed is erased. Nintendo has stated that it will exchange the games for an updated version that does not have the glitch.

Get the Master Sword Early

  • Effect: Get the Master Sword early.
  • Prerequisites: Access to Faron Woods at the time of the Twilight take over.
  • How To: To begin, track to the area near the Forest Temple in Faron Woods at the time of Twilight. Battle the Shadow Beasts and lure one to the left of the gate and use the energy field on it. Afterwards, back away as far as possible. When Wolf Link finally leaps at it, if done correctly, he will land on the cliff. Work over the gate and onto the other cliff. Go around and jump down onto the area where the entrance of the Sacred Grove is. Finally, just do the normal routine of getting the Master Sword.
  • Notes: Link can warp anywhere that he has beaten Shadow Beasts, even though Midna hasn't taught him to warp.

Move Renado

  • Effect: Move Renado.
  • Prerequisites: Access to Kakariko Village.
  • How To: Find Renado walking around Kakariko Village, push him around by walking or rolling into him, allowing Link to move him anywhere in the village that Link would normally be able to access just by walking. This includes, but not limited to, the pool of water behind Eldin's spring).
  • Notes: Targeting Renado may make pushing him easier, and speaking to him every few seconds to get him to stop walking on his own also helps.

Dancing Goron

  • Effect: Make a Goron dance.
  • Prerequisites: Defeated Fyrus, access to Kakariko Village or Death Mountain.
  • How To: After Fyrus is defeated, speak to one of the Gorons at Death Mountain or Kakariko Village. Approach the Goron from the side or back so that it turns to face Link, and accept when it asks the player if he/she wants to go up. Instead of getting on, walk around to its backside and run a small distance away so the Goron begins to shake, preparing to spring up without you. Quickly run close to the Goron without getting on and the Goron will spring, knocking Link back. If done correctly, the Goron will stand up and be stuck in a loop doing its "turning" animation, making is look as though the Goron is dancing.
  • Notes: This may require several attempts to get the angle right.

Trapped Eagle

  • Effect: Trap the eagle under Fado's porch.
  • Prerequisites: N/A
  • How To: First, go to Ordon Village. Afterwards, climb the moss covered wall to get to the Eagle's Call leaf. Play it, and summon the eagle. Point the target directly under the roof above the porch of Fado's house. After the eagle hits the house, it should be trapped under Fado's porch roof. All attacks go through the eagle; so the eagle cannot be harmed. To get it to vanish once more, enter a building, or leave the village.

Back In Time

  • Effect:' Go back in time.
  • Prerequisites: Access to Arbiter's Grounds.
  • How To: Go to Arbiter's Grounds. Save the game, then fall into the first sandpit. When the player sees about 2 inches of Link's arm left, reset the game. Link should then be at the Bridge of Eldin. Jump off the edge, and Link should have one heart, and no items. Run to the brownish area which separates the bridge into two areas when half of it was teleported, then back. Do a jump strike of the edge, and you should get a game over. Say 'yes' when the game asks you if you want to retry. The game now should be in the time frame where Link has to save Colin from King Bulblin. Skip every cutscene, and defeat King Bulblin in both the field chase, and the bridge face-off. Skip every following cut scene until Link is at cursed Kakariko Village. Get on Epona, and jump past the gate. Get off of her, then head towards the Bridge of Eldin. Go up to the curtain of Twilight, and Link should get stuck. Link is unable to move, or attack. The cut scene which Link is in cannot be skipped.
  • Notes: The game will freeze once the glitch has been fully executed, so, there is really nothing left to do but to restart the game.

Map Glitch

  • Effect: Glitch out of the map.
  • Prerequisites: Access to Kakariko Village.
  • How To:

On the Game Cube: Press right on direction pad, and Z at the same time. Choose a place to warp, but Link will not warp. Instead, Midna will talk to Link. Choose 'Turn into a wolf', then turn back into Link. If Link talks to Midna before the map appears, the glitch will not work.

On The Wii: First get a bottle filled with water. Then, set the bottle on 'B'. Afterwards, press the '1' button, and the 'B' button at the same time. Press up on the D pad right before the map comes up. Choose a place to warp, then Midna will talk to Link. Choose 'Turn into a wolf', then turn back to Link. If Link talks to Midna before the map appears, the glitch will not work.

  • Notes: The glitch stops Midna from warping you, so the area Link is in, and the area(s) next to where Link is were affected. Link can do things such as walk up steep walls, and go into areas which have not loaded yet. However, in some areas, the ground will appear to be there, but it will not be solid. Link will jump, as though off an edge, to under the ground and fall endlessly. This only occurs when attempting to enter an area that has not yet loaded.

Forest Temple Cut Scene Glitch

Forest Temple Cut Scene Glitch 1: In Twilight Princess, go to the Forest Temple. Enter the main room with the four torches, and where the monkeys go to help Link swing across a small gap to get to one of two doors. Make sure all of the torches are lit, then use your Clawshot to get to one of the doors by targeting a mossy wall. Get out your Gale_Boomerang, and target the floor four times, then a torch once. (It that order.) Swing your boomerang, then start to climb the moss covered wall. Once the wing from the boomerang puts out the torch, the wooden stairs should fall. The screen will be stuck focusing on the wooden stairs until you press A to drop down.

Forest Temple Cut Scene Glitch 2: In Twilight Princess, go to the main room in the Forest Temple with the four torches which bring up the wooden ladder, and where the monkeys go to help you swing across one of two small gaps. Make sure all of the torches are lit, then get out the Gale Boomerang. Face one of the sides with a moss covered wall, then target the following in this order: left wall, right wall, left wall, right wall, torch. Swing the boomerang, then take out the Clawshot. Right before the gust of wind hits the torch, use the Clawshot to get to the moss covered wall. The screen should focus on the wooden stairs going down, then get stuck on that screen. It will stay stuck on that screen until you turn off the power, reset the game, or press A.

Snowboarding Freeze

  • Effect: Freeze the game.
  • Prerequisites: Ball and Chain, access to the top of Snowpeak.
  • How To: In Twilight Princess, go to the top of Snowpeak. Stand next to Yeto & Yeta, then take out the Ball and Chain. Aim about one third of the way up the trunk of the tree which gives you your ice board, launch the Ball and Chain, then Yeto will talk to Link. Link will be in the beginning of the race scene. The game will freeze right when "go" appears, and when the buzzer starts.
  • Notes: To get out of the glitch, restart the game.

Battle King Bulbin as Wolf Link

  • Effect: Battle King Bulbin as Wolf Link.
  • Prerequisites: Execute the Get the Master Sword Early glitch.
  • How To: First, do the early Master Sword glitch. Then, engage the cutscene where Colin is captured by King Bulbin. Instead of riding after him on Epona, get off her and turn into Wolf Link. Chase after him and do the Horseback chase as Wolf. After getting on the Bridge of Eldin, battle him as Wolf Link, which is surprisingly much easier. Hit him until he falls off the bridge. This causes the game to glitch because you weren't human and not riding Epona. Therefore the cutscene will not be activated, leaving you trapped on the bridge. The only way to fix this is to reset.

Diababa Freeze

  • Effect: Freeze the game.
  • Prerequisites: Execute the Get the Master Sword Early glitch, access to Diababa.
  • How To: First of all, complete the Master Sword Early glitch, and battle Diababa. When it is time to use the final blow, transform into Wolf Link, and deal the final blow. This will cause the game to freeze.
  • Notes: To undo the glitch, turn off or reset the game.

Climb Death Mountain without Iron Boots

  • Effect: Climb Death Mountain without Iron Boots.
  • Prerequisites: Execute the Get the Master Sword Early glitch, access to Death Mountain.
  • How To: Perform the early Master Sword glitch, and climb up Death Mountain before getting the Iron Boots. Before approaching the Goron, transform into Wolf Link. Wolf Link is fast enough to not get hit by a Goron's rolling attack, which allow him to climb Death Mountain.
  • Notes: Link will need to go back to collect the Iron Boots in order to complete Goron Mines.

Skip Second half of Snowpeak Ruins and Temple of Time

  • Effect: Skip part of the game.
  • Prerequisites: Access to Kakariko Village, City in the Sky.
  • How To:'

Go to Renado's basement and go to the statue that blocks the Cannon Room. Wedge yourself as far as you can within the crack between the statue and the wall, and turn into Wolf. If done at the right angle, you will go the rest of the way through the gap, into the Cannon Room. Warp the Cannon to Lake Hylia, and enter City in the Sky. Once you collect the Mirror Shard, the game will assume you've bet the other dungeons. You have to complete the first half of Snowpeak Ruins, because you need the Ball and Chain to defeat Zant

Boss Room Glitch: Blocking Pots

  • Effect: Freeze game.
  • Prerequisites: Access to a boss room.
  • How To: Within any boss room with Pots, first defeat the Boss. Once Minda appears and opens a Warp Portal to exit the room, pick up the pots surrounding the room and place them in a circular pattern around the portal. Afterwards, walk towards the portal until Midna asks Link if he would like to leave the room. Choose "yes", than the game should go into a small cutscene of Link walking towards the portal. Link should walk towards the portal, but get stuck walking against a pot, which blocks him from exiting the room.
  • Notes: Once this glitch was been performed, it is impossible to undo it without restarting the game. While the glitch is being done, the player can not perform any actions or skip the scene, because of Link being stuck in the cutscene itself.

Swinging Wolf Glitch

  • Effect: Freeze the game.
  • Prerequisites: Execute the Get the Master Sword Early glitch, access to the Forest Temple.
  • How To: Perform the early Master Sword glitch, then enter the Forest Temple. In the room where you rescue the second monkey, rescue him and the monkeys should make a bridge for you to get out of the room. Transform into Wolf Link and jump at the monkeys as you would to swing with them. Wolf Link should freeze in his mid-jump position, but still be moving back and forth. When the player presses A to jump to the next monkey, the screen will go black and you will appear at the beginning of the room, just as Link would if you had fallen off a cliff.

Bone / Sign Freeze

  • Effect: Freeze the game.
  • Prerequisites: Bottle of water.
  • How To: Visit anyplace where there is a bone or sign. Pick up the bone or, if you picked a sign, chop it up until Link can carry it in one hand. While holding it, empty a Bottle of water. The game will believe Link is still holding the bone or sign, while in reality, he's not. Throw the invisible sign or bone to freeze the game.