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Ironic Karma, or known as Mike, is an active Sheikah and Sage on He is also the current leader of the one of the groups, the Goron Elders.


Mike joined on March 19, 2007. He came in on as a very odd username named FrenchFryGator666. During this time, he was very inactive and posted very little. Due to his username's length, he was asked to changed it to under 15 characters; he changed it to REGaTorHaWk6.

He soon became much more active, gaining slight respect and intelligence, still a young member. But, one day he decided to give up on the account and he made a new account with the award winning name Doggie Bark.

Now Doggie Bark, Mike was a much more mature member with a determination to get somewhere on the forum. Mike was satisfied with his new account, but one of the high ranking administrators, Xizor contacted him about have two accounts on one IP. Mike told him that it was indeed his old account and Xizor deleted the account and moved on.

During on of's award shows Mike was nominated for Best Newb, Most Original Username, and Best Topic Starter. He won Best Newb and Most Original Username. The next award show 6 months later, he was nominated in Most Original Username and Best Topic Starter, he won Most Original Username and tied for Best Topic Starter.

He was then asked to become a Sheikah and accepted. Then he changed his username to Ironic Karma. He grew tired of the name Doggie Bark, he knew he was possibly in danger of losing The Most Original Username. The next award show he was again nominated the Most Original Username with Ironic Karma as his name; he tied with Guilty Tribute. was having some trouble with the Groups and they were giving the opportunity for members to submit an application to become one of the Group Leaders. Mike decided to give it a try at the Goron Elders as being a member of the Goron Elders already. To his delight he was awarded the Group Leadership to the Gorons Elders.

A few months later he hit the two year mark of being a member and was granted the position of Sage.