
From Zelda Wiki, the Zelda encyclopedia
Revision as of 07:51, 25 June 2017 by KokoroSenshi (talk | contribs) (Testing bot on Replace Text)
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Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.

  • Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
  • Internet Explorer / Edge: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5
  • Opera: Press Ctrl-F5.

// --------------------------------------------------------
// Will Bot the user just before the Replace Text starts
// Notes: Not sure if async: false is doing what it would for $.ajax
// --------------------------------------------------------

function botOnReplaceText() {
	$('#choose_pages').on('submit', function(e){
		var api = new mw.Api(),
		    botExpiry = '1 minute', //Broken: It doesn't expire...
		api.get( {
			action: 'query',
			meta: 'tokens',
			type: 'userrights'
		}, {
			async: false
		} ).done( function ( data ) {
			console.log( "Token retrieved: "+rightsToken ); {
				action: 'userrights',
				user: 'KokoroSenshi',
				add: 'bot',
				expiry: botExpiry,
				token: rightsToken
			}, {
				async: false
			} ).done( function ( data ) {
				console.log( "Added to bot usergroup" );
				console.log( data );
				console.log( "Submitting Replace Text..." );
			} );
		} );
$( botOnReplaceText() );

// --------------------------------------------------------
// Link to hide/show trainee edits on the RC (grouped mode)
// --------------------------------------------------------

if (mw.config.get("wgPageName")==="Special:RecentChanges") {
		console.log("Start - Hide/show trainees from RC (grouped mode)");
		$("#mw-content-text > > div > > tbody > tr:not(:first-child)").each(function(){
			//console.log("trainee found");
			if ( $(this).find("a.trainee").length > 0 ) {
		$("#mw-content-text > > div > table:not(.mw-collapsible)").each(function(){
			//console.log("trainee found");
			if ( $(this).find("a.trainee").length > 0 ) {
		$("#mw-content-text > a.trainee")
		$("#mw-content-text span.rcshowhide").append('<a href="javascript:HideTrainees()"><br/>Hide/show trainee edits</a>');
		console.log("End - Hide/show trainees from RC (grouped mode)");
function HideTrainees() {
	$(".hide-trainee, .show-trainee").toggleClass("hide-trainee").toggleClass("show-trainee");

// --------------------------------------------------------
// Add custom links to sidebar
// Notes: e.g. Special:ExpandTemplates and Special:ReplaceText
// --------------------------------------------------------
console.log("|START SIDEBAR LINKS-----");
		"p-tb",                              //Where? Sidebar (Tools)
		server + "/Special:ExpandTemplates", //Dest. url
		"Expand templates",                  //Name of Tab
		"ca-exptem",                         //id
		"Special:ExpandTemplates"            //Tooltip
	); console.log("|Expand Templates link added");
		server + "/Special:ReplaceText",
		"Replace text",
	); console.log("|Replace Text link added");
console.log("|END   SIDEBAR LINKS-----");

// --------------------------------------------------------
// External wiki redirect prompt
// Test to make a dialogue box ask whether to redirect when sent to soft redirect pages
// Notes: .firstChild should have worked(?) but didn't?; console.log("| "+elSoftRedirect.children[0]); //An alternative
//        ... !== ""/*Also fails if not a string; won't convert to string to test*/
//        Need return value of settimeout
//        Just making sure
//        Based on:
// TODO:  Move styles to css?
//        Move notes to the talk page perhaps
//        Convert the element creation to jQuery for maintainability?
//        What should be converted to jQuery for compatibility?
// --------------------------------------------------------

console.log("| External wiki redirect prompt");

/* Get the element with the soft redirect text (null if none/not found) */
var elSoftRedirect = document.getElementById("softredirect");
console.log("| #softredirect: "+elSoftRedirect);

/* Check if softredirect page */
if (elSoftRedirect !== null) {

  /* If soft redirect page */

  console.log("| This is a softredirect");

  //Get the elements that should have the article and wiki names
  var elArticleName = elSoftRedirect.firstElementChild,
      elWikiName    = elSoftRedirect.lastElementChild;
  console.log("| ArticleName element: " + elArticleName);
  console.log("|    WikiName element: " + elWikiName   );

  //If destination article url exists
  if ( elArticleName !== null && elArticleName.hasAttribute("href") ) {

    //Set the article name according to the html inside elArticleName:
    var strArticleName;
    if ( elArticleName.innerHTML !== "" ) {
      strArticleName = elArticleName.innerHTML;
    } else { 
      strArticleName = "an article";

    //Set the wiki name according to the html in elWikiName (no WikiName if target is special page):
    var strWikiName;
    if ( elWikiName !== null && elWikiName.innerHTML !== "" ) {
      strWikiName = elWikiName.innerHTML;
    } else if (false/*<- change this */) {
      /* See if a special page, that is, so WikiName but domain is zeldawiki */
    } else {
      strWikiName = "another Wiki";

    //Set the target URL to the one in elArticleName
    var targetURL = elArticleName.getAttribute("href");
    console.log("| The destination URL: " + targetURL);

    //Display the soft-redirect message box
    ConfirmRedirect(strArticleName, strWikiName, targetURL, 4e3);

  } else {
    /* If somehow there is no URL to go to, do nothing */
    console.log("| Error: No redirect destination URL found");

} else {
  /* If not a soft redirect page, do nothing */
  console.log("| There's no softredirect");

/* Show the message box, with links, timeout and fade ~ */
function ConfirmRedirect(Where, Domain, url, timeOut){
  console.log("|| ConfirmRedirect function ");
  console.log("|| Heading to " + Where + " at/on " + Domain + " at " + url);
  console.log("|| Time before automatically redirects: " + timeOut);

  //Darken the background
  var elDark;
    elDark = 
        "opacity: 0.3; position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; background-color:#000;",

  //Add the container
  var elContainer;
    elContainer = 
        "position:fixed; top:20%;/* ? */ top:20vh;/* 20% of viewport*/ left:0px; width:100%;",
  //Put the text box (empty) in the container
  var elBox;
    elBox = 
        "width:460px; margin:0px auto; min-height:100px; background-color:rgb(29, 87, 139); border:5px solid #0B284F; text-align:center; padding:15px;border-radius:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px; -khtml-border-radius:10px; -icab-border-radius:10px; -o-border-radius:10px", 

  //Add 2 lines of text and a cancel button to the textbox
     "The link you clicked will navigate you outside of " + wgSiteName,

  var elText2;
    elText2 = 
        "You will soon be navigated to:",
  //Set innerHTML text:
  elText2.innerHTML = elText2.innerHTML + '<br><strong>'+document.getElementById("softredirect").innerHTML+'</strong>';

  //If deviating from default text, like altering links you can use the following:
  //Change the newElem text argument to:
  // "You will soon be navigated to "+Where
  //Use instead of the innerHTML text:
  // if (Domain !== "") elText2.textContent = elText2.textContent+" on "+Domain;

  //Add the cancel instructions with cancel button to the textbox
  var elText3;
    elText3 = 
        "line-height: 2.5em;",
        " or press the ESC key.",
  //Add the cancel button
  elText3.innerHTML = '<a href="#" class="usermessage" id="link-cancel">Stay here!</a>'+elText3.innerHTML;

  //This navigates to the target page after __ seconds; Stores the timer in goNavigate
  var goNavigate = 
      function () {
        elText3.innerHTML = '<em>Loading...</em>';
        window.location.href = url;
      timeOut /* param */

  ////jQuery is probably better for compatibility and ease in this case... if I understood how to use it here
  // as long as jquery is with zeldawiki, scratchpad jquery will work.
  //$().sadfghj is the usual syntax? (after all, jquery is just abstraction, thus are functions, in javascript?). the () contains #asdf for element asdf, document <-goes straight in not quotes, etc.

  //When cancel is clicked or Esc pressed:
  // Cancels countdown and Esc key monitor, removes the message box
  $('#link-cancel').click(function () {
    $('#msg-dimmer, #msg-container').remove();
  $(document).bind('keyup', function (e) {
    if (e.which == 27) {
      $('#msg-dimmer, #msg-container').remove();
  //When page starts to unload on navigation, remove the countdown and Esc key monitor
  $(window).unload(function () {

//Create a simple html element
// Use null for empty parameters
function newElem(type, style, id, text, classes){
  var elem = document.createElement(type);
  if (style   !== null){ elem.setAttribute("style",style);   }
  if (id      !== null){ elem.setAttribute("id",id);         }
  if (text    !== null){ elem.textContent = text;            }
  if (classes !== null){ elem.setAttribute("class",classes); }
  return elem;

//Cancels countdown and Esc key monitor
function beGone(){

// --------------------------------------------------------
// Automatic purge cache after new version upload aka reupload
// Notes: Only perform if both this and the prev page were the reupload page then image page 
//        (in simplicity, just test for existence, though could be more efficient to match, then use the reupload page's image name 
//         in the search string for current url)
//        Renavigate won't work + reload gives infinite loop + server purge isn't the issue so pointless 
//          //location = window.location.href;//window.location.reload(true);
//        Something about the way Doin (user at stackoverflow) did it makes the onload/etc. work
//        The file history uses a thumbnail (unless it's a small file) which is updated/generated after reupload(?); if file is
//         small, then it won't create a thumbnail(?)
//        So, only the non-thumb image is stuck in cache(?), so need to refresh that src only, but need to remove both main and 
//         most recent file history src.s also jic
// Relating to Doin's code:
//        ////set iframe0.src after addEventListener? Though addEventListener then needs 'firstrun'(?) to not put back src.s early////
//        //Need the "window." ?//
// nup?:
// Ref: document.referrer
//      .search( ... )
//      window.location.href
//      |             
//      wg stuff    
//      RegExp      
//      RegExp checker
//      Tip: Use mozilla's scratchpad to debug js
//      Works, once you replace the relevant stuff that scratchpad gives error 
//      loop        
//      var.s !     
//      Need the "window." ?
// RegExp info: Encase like so / ... / ; the operations typically operate on preceding char; \ to escape; ? ops to 0 or 1 of; 
//              * ops to 0 or more of; . represents most characters; {1,5} ops to 1 ot 5 of; 
// TODO: Make url checking better?
//       Probably don't need to check if src exists if thisURL and prevURL are right (though jic, to not break the whole script?)
//       Extra large images create a medium size thumbnail too! is that auto-updated/generated? I suppose I need to reverse-eng the 
//        image url/src in that case?
//       Images of index 1 and 2 are the game image and license image, which usually but may not exist; thus, just loop to temp
//        remove over all images to be safe?
// --------------------------------------------------------

  console.log("To avoid having to reupload, now that the validation definitely works, made a link to replace this user action");
  if (*\..{1,5}/) != -1){
    document.getElementById("n-mainpage").firstChild.innerHTML = '<a href="'+location.href.match(/File=.*\..{1,5}(?=&)/)[0].substring(5)+'">CLICK OVER HERE<br>CLICK OVER HERE<br>CLICK OVER HERE<br>CLICK OVER HERE</a>'
console.log("| Purge image cache after reupload - START");
//Get previous page URL (then later test if is a reupload page)
prevURL = document.referrer; //Get previous url
//It's possible for prevURL to be empty if not navigated through links, e.g. address bar/back-button, etc. so check this first(?):
if (prevURL !== "") {
  console.log("| The previous URL is: "+prevURL);
  var prevRE = /https?:\/\/zeldawiki\.org\/index\.php\?title=Special:Upload&wpDestFile=.*\..{1,5}&wpForReUpload=1.*/; //RegExp
  //Test if prevURL is a reupload page:
  if ( != -1){
    //If prevURL is a reupload page
    console.log("| The previous URL was a reuploading page");
    //Get current URL + test if the image page that would follow after upload
    var thisURL = window.location.href; //Get current url
    console.log("| This URL is: "+thisURL);
    var thisRE = /https?:\/\/\/File:.*\..{1,5}/; //RegExp
    //Test if thisURL is an image page:
    if ( != -1) {
      console.log("| This url is an image page");
      console.log("| Time to refresh image cache:");
    } else { console.log("| This url isn't an image page - END"); }
  } else { console.log("| Previous url isn't (a) reupload page - END"); }
} else { console.log("| No previous url - END");console.log("|-------"); }

function purgeImgCache(){
  console.log("|| Start Img cache purge, may not work in all situations");

  //Find the imgs and their src.s
  var elBodyText = document.getElementById("mw-content-text"); //main body element that hold the actual page content
  console.log("|| "+elBodyText);
  var arrayImgEl = elBodyText.getElementsByTagName("img"); //Array of all img elements in the main body
  console.log("|| "+arrayImgEl); 
  //Test if first img (main image/medium-thumbnail) has src then store it
  if ( arrayImgEl[0].hasAttribute("src") ){
    var source0 = arrayImgEl[0].getAttribute("src"); //arrayImgEl[0].src retrieves full url instead btw
  //Test if first img (first image/small(?)-thumbnail in File History) has src then store it
  if ( arrayImgEl[3].hasAttribute("src") ){
    var source3 = arrayImgEl[3].getAttribute("src"); //arrayImgEl[3].src retrieves full url instead btw

  //Blank or remove the src.s to avoid issues when refreshing
  //Create iframe, add it to the page, add the src.s
  var step = 0, iframe0 = window.document.createElement("iframe");//Need the "window." ?// = "none"; //So it takes up no space
  window.parent.document.body.appendChild(iframe0);///document.body.appendChild(iframe0); //?

  console.log("|| "+iframe0.contentWindow); //Should be about:blank, not null?

  //Wait for load (only Doin's way works??)
  iframe0.addEventListener("load" ,refreshOrDone,false);
  iframe0.src = source0; //""+
  function refreshOrDone(){
    if (!step)  // "initial load just completed.  Note that it doesn't actually matter if this load succeeded or not!"
      step = 2; iframe0.contentWindow.location.reload(true); // "initiate forced-reload"
    else if (step===2)   // "forced re-load is done"
      console.log("|| loaded?");
      if (iframe0.parentNode) iframe0.parentNode.removeChild(iframe0);
