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Background Information

The setting of Majora's Mask is filled with many characters similar in appearance to those introduced in Ocarina of Time. After he had journeyed through time to fulfill his destiny and take place among legends as the Hero of Time, Link set out to find a lost friend (Most commonly speculated to be his fairy partner Navi). This led him to meet the Skull Kid, who, possessed by Majora's Mask, stole Link's mount, Epona, and changed him into a member of the Deku race. He found Termina to be an alternate dimension of Hyrule and a land in great danger, as its Moon was falling, about to crash into the centeral settlement of Clock Town.

This was indeed the work of the evil mask that had possessed Skull Kid, and Link had to set out to awaken the four Guardian Giants in order to stop the Moon from crashing to the ground and destroying Termina.

Termina is more technologically advanced than Hyrule, having factories, rock bands, mayors, clocks, hotels, bars, tourist shops, etc. However it lacks in the magic abilities possessed by their Hylian counterparts.

Gods & Legends

Though the Triforce symbol does appear some places in Termina, it does not seem to play a significant role in the lives of the Terminians, as opposed to in Hyrule, where it is more or less what the world revolves around. Though no tale is told about the creation of Termina, Zelda.com states the following:

When Hyrule was created by the three goddesses at the beginning of time, there were certain side effects of its creation which Din, Nayru and Farore did not anticipate. As the three holy women breathed life into the world and chased away Emptiness, their potent breath slipped through tiny cracks in the folds of space and created millions of alternate worlds in the process. One of these worlds became the land known as Termina.[1]

In Termina, Link meets up with four Giants, the Guardians of Termina, who, after going their separate ways from Clock Town, have been trapped in the temples in the North, South, East and West of Termina. The tale of these Giants and how Termina became a land divided into five different areas, all ruled by five different races, is told by Anju's Grandmother.

Each year the citizens of Termina hold a festival in Clock Town in order to celebrate these Gods, and it is that time of the year when Link comes to Termina. This festival is called the Carnival of Time.

Yet the four Guardians of Termina are not the only deities of that world. Two other known deities of Termina are the Fierce Deity and the force sealed away in Majora's Mask. Not much is known about the Fierce Deity, except that he was a dark god who was sealed away inside a mask. The force that lived through Majora's Mask is, however, the evil that Link must face in order to save Termina from the Moon. There is another possibility: Odolwa may be the Deku's guardian deity.

Technology in Termina

The citizens of Termina seem to be more knowledgable when it comes to technology of different types that their Hyrule counterparts. An example of this is the Clock Town in the center of Termina, which is an amazing town with a marvelous Clock Tower in the middle, and the city built around it. They also have a money bank, something which might indicate that the people of Termina are more sophisticated than inhabitants of Hyrule when it comes to money. The telescope is another example, as well as the fact that nearly every house in Termina has a functioning replica of the Clock Tower's face.

Termina Map


There are several important landmarks in Termina, as can be seen in the map on your right. Some of these include:
