Talk:Parasitic Tentacle

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Latest comment: 31 January 2013 by Bakeneko
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I thought that since the page for the Wind Waker 寄生触手 uses *Parasitic Tenticle* as a translation, just like this page does currently, that I'd request to change the translation of 寄生虫の触手 on this page here, from Parasite Tenticle to *Parasitic Tenticle Worm*. The reason being is because the difference in name between the Wind Waker name and the name on this page here would be the Kanji *虫/Chu*, which translates to either Worm, Moth, Insect, and/or Bug. Plus, it would distinguish something unique from both pages, translation wise, giving them something slightly different from eachother IMO. --Vaati The Wind Demon 03:46, 31 January 2013 (UTC)Reply[reply]

You are genrally right, although the correct translation would be "Parasitc Intestinal Worm's Tentacle" or "Tentacle of the Parasitc Intestinal Worm", with the latter being more appropiate as it doesn't sound so stupid in English. We know it is a tentacle of Barinade and Barinade(電撃旋回虫 バリネー) itself is referred to as an intestinal worm(回虫) in Japanese. This translation is applied with a little hindsight tho', since the player would generally not know that until meeting Barinade itself later. The current translation isn't necessarily wrong, it is just not 100% accurate so I'm in favor of this change. Bakeneko 06:36, 31 January 2013 (UTC)Reply[reply]