
From Zelda Wiki, the Zelda encyclopedia

Cranioc is a highly agressive shark related enemy that exists in water filled enviroments and appeared in The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword. Cranioc were also the main force behind Ghirahims attack on Lake Floria.

Appearance and Features

Cranioc are a large shark-like fish that inhabit water enviroments including Lake Floria and the Flooded Faron Woods. Cranioc helped Ghirahim take over Lake Floria and in the process they scared the local Paralla and badly wounded the Water Dragon Faron. Their head features a large bulbous crown. They use this large crown to attack Link, and even to settle social disputes between others of their species with this physcial feature. If a Cranioc spots Link they will turn to a bright red color most likely signaling that Link is prey to them. Cranioc unfortunately sport a weak underbelly with an X shaped scar like the Skulltula. Link can take advantage of this by using his Water Dragon's Scale to spin into the beast flipping it over and exposing its underbelly. Link now just has to spin straight into the X shaped scar on the underbelly, and the creature will be destroyed.

Cranioc unlike most enemies in the series , seem be much more social and more interactive with other Cranioc. They are said to have very strong rivalries between eachother. When two or more Cranioc spot their prey or Link, they will fight amongst who should get to catch and eat their prey. To settle disputes most Cranioc shall simply claim the winner by which of the pack has the most magnificant crown, but they will also simply get into a physical brawl.


  • Cranioc like many other enemies in The Legend of Zelda series share the weakness of a weak underbelly
