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Rank Hylian Knight
Age 19
Location The Netherlands
Forum Join Date 9/01/08
Forum Userpage Akiranon
Number of Edits {{#ec:Akiranon}}
This user is a member of Zelda Dungeon.

Hey everyone, this is Akiranon speaking. A member at the ZU Forums and a Hylian Hero at the Zelda Dungeon Forums.


Guess I should post a semi-interesting introduction here. Well, you're out of luck! I'm far from interesting really. I'm a 19 year old guy who was born in the Netherlands (you know, that tiny little country famous for its tulips and clogs) and currently has way too much free time on his hands. I got my VMBO-TL diploma in 2006 and I'm currently studying stuff like insurances and banks. It sounds pretty boring, that's because it is!


I love videogames (really, who on this Wiki does not?), music, going out and reading. Yeah, it's pretty boring stuff, but I told you before, I'm not an interesting person! :P


The first Zelda game I played was A Link to the Past on the SNES. Unfortunately my parents never wanted to buy the game... Therefore I was forced to rent that son of a Deku every week. Phew, those were hard times, believe me. My low allowance didn't really help me either!

I never actually finished the game though, but that was because a new system had arrived... With new games... Including Ocarina of Time... My my, I was truly addicted to that game. Luckily my parents enjoyed the game too and bought it not long after its release. I think Zelda was a pretty big part of my life back then. I just couldn't get enough of the Zelda games. Majora's Mask came out and I loved it. Looking back, maybe too much Zelda can be a bad thing! :P

Favorite Zelda game

My favorite Zelda isn't Ocarina of Time though. It's actually Link's Awakening. I didn't buy the game at launch, no, I bought it just two years ago. While the graphics and sound are simple, the story certainly is not. The game truly amazes me: a complete Zelda game on a tiny little cartridge that you can take wherever you go. Simply amazing.

Zelda games I own

My collection isn't really that big. I currently have in my possession: Ocarina of Time (N64); Majora's Mask (N64); Link's Awakening DX (GBC); Oracle of Ages (GBC); A Link to the Past/Four Swords (GBA); Minish Cap (GBA); Wind Waker (GCN); Twilight Princess (GCN and Wii); Phantom Hourglass (NDS).


My 'internet life' (or so to speak) started somewhere in the year 1999. Of course I didn't actually participate in stuff like forums back then, but I checked out sites related to Dragonball Z and Digimon (the horror!). Since English isn't my first language I didn't start joining English forums until late 2004, but even then all I did was lurk.

Zelda Dungeon

I registered at Zelda Dungeon in September 2008. At first I was a bit confused, "Where is the introductions forum?". It quickly became clear to me that Zelda Dungeon was a site that truly focuses on Zelda. It's good to see a Zelda site that still sticks to its roots. I quickly became friends with most members, Zelda Dungeon has a very accepting community. And that's why I like it so much. Zelda Dungeon's community is truly unique, people from different countries, different beliefs, different opinions all converse about one thing they all like: Zelda. I got promoted to Hylian Hero in January of 2009. Currently I'm still active and kicking Dodongo's rear. :P

Zelda Gamers

Sure, I joined Zelda forums before I registered at Zelda Gamers. But Zelda Gamers was the first community I was actually active in. December 26th 2006, that was my registration date. I met some great people and it's still a community I often visit. Although I don't post all that frequently any more, Zelda Gamers is still one of my favorite forums.

Zelda Universe

Although I don't actually visit Zelda Universe all that much, it's still a community I'm quite fond of. I don't have much to say about it at the moment though, maybe I'll add some more information later.

Random information

  • My first videogame console was the NES.
  • While I love my Wii, I also love my 360!
  • I hate cold weather, but I enjoy snow.
  • Warm snow should be invented.
  • I currently use Firefox as my internet browser.
  • Actually am pretty bored at the moment.
  • I fear Smitie's banhammer... ;P

The end

No cliffhanger, sorry guys. Leave a message if you want on my talk page. :P