Community:Moderator (ZU)

From Zelda Wiki, the Zelda encyclopedia

Forum and Section Moderations are Moderators of certain forums around the ZU forums. They are usually selected based on their activeness in a specific forum or section, as well as their leadership qualities inside those forums or sections.

Forum Mods have the ability to edit, delete, move, and lock any thread inside their specific forums (Zelda, Community, Clans, RPG Central, Restricted). They have the ability to warn or ban any member based on actions in their forum.

Section Mods have the ability to edit, delete, move, and lock any thread inside their specific sections (the sections being Zelda, Community, Clans HQ, Escapists' Haven, and the Restricted Forums). They have the ability to warn or ban any member based on actions in their section.

The Clan mods are forum mods. They are the mods for the clans we have at Zelda Universe. Usually, if you are a Clan Mod, you have shown good leadership inside your own clan.

If a Forum Mod also is a Section Mod of a certain section, their rank will be Section Mod.

Forum and Sections Mods are last in the power commands at ZU, one step underneath the Global Mods

The Section Mods are:

The Forum Mods are:

The Clan Mods are:

How do I become a Section Mod

Section mods are chosen by the ZU Staff, based on their leadership qualities inside specific forums. Just like Super Mods, NEVER ask to become a Section Mod.

See also