The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

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Template:Future game Template:Game Zelda Wii is a game currently in development. It will be exclusively for the Nintendo Wii. It is an entirely different game than Twilight Princess. Unlike Twilight Princess, Zelda Wii will be made specifically with the Wii in mind [1].

It has been stated by Shigeru Miyamoto that Twilight Princess will be "without a doubt, the last Zelda game as you know it in its present form."[2] It is not exactly clear on what he means on this point.

When Eiji Aonuma was asked in an interview if Twilight Princess would be the Nintendo Wii's only Zelda Game he replied, "I can't say, but I guess for now, maybe, yeah [laughs]. Not to say that it's going to be the final game. There's still a lot of potential with the Wii so there's still a possibility that there could be another Zelda for it. We do have some ideas in the works, but I can't say for sure because none of them have been approved and we're still very much in the planning process, so I hope you look forward to whatever comes out."[3]

In a private meeting at the 2007 Electronic Entertainment Expo Eiji Aonuma began to give details about the Zelda Game, Phantom Hourglass. He then began speaking about the upcoming game, Zelda Wii. In his excitement he began to reveal more details about the game, but was withheld from revealing too much information by Shigeru Miyamoto. He indicated that he would like to have a whole new control system for the game, and that it was possible that one-to-one swordplay (first person perspective sword combat) could be implemented. He also said that he would like to make the game to appeal both to the casual and the hardcore gamer. [4]

Zelda Wii is not the only new Zelda game that is currently in development, as Spirit Tracks is also.[5].

At a round-table at the E3 2009 Convention, Shigeru Miyamoto announced that Zelda Wii will be announced at E3 in 2010. Artwork shown at the round-table has been leaked, depicting a swordless, but right-handed Link and another mysterious female figure, bearing resemblance to The Fairy Queen and The Master Sword.

An new 2009 Interview between IGN and Miyamoto:

IGN: At your developer roundtable this week, you showed off a single piece of artwork from the next Wii Zelda game. This piece of art has not yet been released publicly, but we noticed that Link appears to have grown to full adulthood. He looks older than he did in Twilight Princess. Is that a correct assumption?

Shigeru Miyamoto: Well, the story setting for this Zelda is, of course, in a completely different era and Link is older than he was previously. More approaching adulthood. There is one hint. Maybe from the art work you can see that he's not holding a sword.

IGN: Has he lost his Master Sword?

Shigeru Miyamoto: [Laughing] I just wanted to make sure that you understand we are making it. That's all I'm going to say on that subject.

IGN: Does the game follow the story progression of Twilight Princess or is it something completely different?

Shigeru Miyamoto: I can't go into details except to say that it's something completely different.

IGN: You just mentioned that the game audience is shrinking and that Nintendo is always looking for ways to entice new players. Is this something that you're thinking about for the new Zelda, too, or is there a separation where that's off limits because the franchise is traditionally hardcore?

Shigeru Miyamoto: I think we do this with Mario and Zelda as well. When we are working on the plans for them, we are trying to come up with ways where we can satisfy our longtime fans and bring new players into the franchises as well. That's something we're always looking at. However, when I get involved in a title, I focus a lot on more experience and the more advanced gameplay elements. If I get into it, there's a tendency for difficulty levels to ramp up so that's something I really have to watch for myself to make sure that I don't do that.

IGN: Twilight Princess obviously started on GameCube and then came to Wii. We remember you saying that the team wanted to do more visually with the game for Wii, but ran out of time. So can we assume the visuals for this new game will set a new bar for Wii graphics?

Shigeru Miyamoto: Well, yeah, again I can't say anything in detail about the graphics in-game or anything like that. But I can tell you, as you just pointed out, that Twilight Princess was developed and ran on both hardwares while this new game will be only on Wii, so I think there are some expectations as to what it will be since we are focused on this console.

[6][7] [8]
